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- Fill out our reader survey! First 150 people to fill
- it out and get it back to us will receive a free
- Trouble & Attitude t-shirt. And everyone who sends
- back a completed survey will be entered into a GRAND
- PRIZE DRAWING for something extra special. We don't
- know what it is yet, but we can assure you it's better
- than a t-shirt.
- Just print it out and mail to Marinex Multimedia, 110
- Greene Street, Suite 800, New York, NY 10012 or fax to
- 212-334-0424.
- Name____________________________
- Address___________________________
- __________________________________
- Phone #____________________________
- Sex______________
- ********************************************************************
- 1. What is the total income level of your household?
- ╞ Under $25,000
- ╞ $25,000-$50,000
- ╞ $50,000-$100,000
- ╞ $100,000-$250,000
- ╞ Over $250,000
- 2. What is the highest level of education you have
- completed?
- ╞ High school
- ╞ Some college
- ╞ College degree
- ╞ Some graduate school
- ╞ Graduate degree
- 3. What is your marital status?
- ╞ Married
- ╞ Single
- 4. What is your age?
- ╞ 18-24
- ╞ 25-34
- ╞ 35-44
- ╞ 45-54
- ╞ 55 or over
- 5. In what field do you work?
- ╞ Computers, telecommunications, electronics
- ╞ Education
- ╞ Media
- ╞ Design
- ╞ Entertainment
- ╞ Finance
- ╞ Government
- ╞ Law
- ╞ Medicine
- ╞ Service
- ╞ Other_________________
- 6. How would you best describe your title?
- ╞ Entrepreneur
- ╞ Owner, Partner, Senior Management
- ╞ Professional/Consultant
- ╞ Middle Management
- ╞ Support Staff
- ╞ Other_______________
- 7. How much money do you spend on entertainment each
- week (including movies, concerts, drinking and eating
- out, etc.)?
- ╞ $100-$250
- ╞ $250-$500
- ╞ $500-$1000
- ╞ Over $1000
- 8. What are your favorite types of music?
- ╞ Alternative rock
- ╞ Rap/hip-hop
- ╞ Blues
- ╞ Reggae
- ╞ Country
- ╞ Jazz
- ╞ Punk/hardcore
- ╞ R&B
- ╞ Hard rock/heavy metal
- ╞ New Age
- ╞ Other_____________________
- 9. How many music CDs do you purchase per month?
- ╞ 0-5
- ╞ 5-10
- ╞ 10-20
- ╞ 20-30
- ╞ Over 30
- 10. How many CD-ROMs do you purchase per month?
- ╞ 0-5
- ╞ 5-10
- ╞ 10-20
- ╞ 20-30
- ╞ Over 30
- 11. How many movies do you see per month, both in the
- theaters and on video?
- ╞ 0-5
- ╞ 5-10
- ╞ 10-20
- ╞ 20-30
- ╞ Over 30
- 12. What type of computer do you use most often?
- ╞ Apple desktop (specify model/special
- features)___________________________________
- ╞ PC
- Compatible (specify model/special
- features)_______________________________
- ╞ Apple
- laptop
- ╞ PC Compatible laptop
- 13. How much do you spend on computer hardware per
- year?
- ╞ $0-$500
- ╞ $500-$1000
- ╞ $1000-$3000
- ╞ $3000-$5000
- ╞ $5000-$10,000
- ╞ Over $10,000
- 14. How much do you spend on computer software per
- year?
- ╞ None
- ╞ $25-$250
- ╞ $250-$500
- ╞ $500-$1000
- ╞ $1000-$3000
- ╞ $3000-$5000
- ╞ $5000-$10,000
- ╞ Over $10,000
- 15. Do you subscribe to an on-line service?
- ╞ AOL
- ╞ CompuServe
- ╞ Prodigy
- ╞ None
- 16. How much time do you spend on the Internet per
- week?
- ╞ 1-3 hours
- ╞ 3-5 hours
- ╞ 5-10 hours
- ╞ 10-20 hours
- ╞ 20-30 hours
- ╞ Over 30 hours
- 17. Which of the following do you plan to purchase in
- the next twelve months? (Check all that apply.)
- ╞ Desktop computer
- ╞ Laptop computer
- ╞ CD-ROM drive
- ╞ Cellular Phone
- ╞ On-line service
- ╞ Car or truck
- ╞ Motorcycle
- ╞ Television
- ╞ VCR
- ╞ Stereo equipment
- ╞ Camera
- 18. Do you subscribe to Cable TV?
- ╞ yes
- ╞ no
- 19. How many cars are in your household?
- ╞ 1
- ╞ 2
- ╞ 3
- ╞ 4
- ╞ 5
- 20. Do you serve liquor or beer in your home?
- ╞ yes
- ╞ no
- 21. Do you smoke?
- ╞ yes
- ╞ no
- 22. How many trips do you take per year?
- ╞ 0-5
- ╞ 5-10
- ╞ 10-20
- ╞ Over 20
- 23. How long do you plan to keep your issue of Trouble
- & Attitude?
- ╞ Less than 1 year
- ╞ 1-2 years
- ╞ 3-5 years
- ╞ Forever
- 24. With how many others did you share your copy of
- Trouble & Attitude?
- ╞ 0-1
- ╞ 2-5
- ╞ 5-10
- ╞ Over 10
- 25. Do you use Trouble & Attitude:
- ╞ at work
- ╞ at home
- ╞ both
- 26. Which features in the premiere issue of Trouble &
- Attitude did you like best? Rate each feature on a
- scale of 1-10 (1 is worst, 10 is best).
- _____Baywatch Exposed
- _____Troma Films
- _____Bikini Challenge
- _____California Dreaming
- _____Marshall McLuhan
- _____Early Warning
- _____Erik Larsen
- 27. Which departments in the premiere issue of Trouble
- & Attitude did you like best? Rate each department on
- a scale of 1-10 (1 is worst, 10 is best).
- _____Protocol
- _____Street Talk
- _____Portfolio
- _____Wheels
- _____Edge Adventure
- _____Fashion
- _____Decibels
- _____Poetry Slam
- _____The Biz